Friday, March 12, 2010

Chapter 12: The Rum

That afternoon we did a bit of exploring around the island – went for a gourmet pulled pork wrap lunch at Casa Iguana, walked into town, and walked back home again. That evening, we went for a gourmet dinner at Casa Iguana, and this meal will forever live in my mind and taste buds as one of the best ever – with an amazing garlic, feta and green leaf salad (which you could better understand my appreciation for if the closest thing you had to a green salad in the past two months was cabbage with a bit of lime squeezed over it) followed by fresh snapper with a cilantro sauce poured over it – with cheesy mashed potatoes as a side, followed by the most amazing fresh out of the oven chocolate cake covered with chocolate sauce – and to drink –the best drink ever – a basilito (like a mojito but with basil instead of mint) made with about the smoothest rum ever made (I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it but the rum in Nicaragua is about the best ever – the dark one is so sweet and caramelly, and the light one super suave - all but undetectable in a good mixed drink and they each make for a very dangerous beverage because you just don’t want to stop drinking because they are just that good). All in all a life altering meal which was followed by a wander down to the beach to enjoy yet another bonfire, and bit of socializing with the local expat community which was followed by a very pleasant walk home along the beach. Another very lovely evening.

(Hamaica (hibiscus) infused rum)

(rum and coke)

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