Monday, March 15, 2010

Chapter 15: Leaving Little Corn

Lulled to sleep by the sound of the waves, I awoke early yet again and saw the sun rise from the comfort of my bed with the cabana doors swung wide open. I got up, went for a long walk, and a slow breakfast.

(sunrise from in bed :)

(sun rise)

After breakfast I went on another long walk in search of some long sought after coconut oil (which I had tried to purchase all over Nicaragua, and chased all over Corn Island at several stores who had all run out of stock) I finally got my prize by going to the source– Derek’s place an isolated spot at the north end of the island. To get there I had to walk up a deserted beach, skirt a precarious rocky outcrop, walk up another deserted beach, skirt a somewhat less precarious rocky outcrop and finally walk up one last stretch of slightly less deserted beach (only because this one had a boat on it) before arriving and the surreal location that is Derek’s Place – the property is covered with spongy mossy grassy knolls sporting the occasional palm tree and several rustic looking cabins. I found Derek and his family hanging out in what I suppose would be the dining room (an open air cabana with a kitchen attached to it).

They had just finished bottling up a fresh batch of coconut oil and were more than happy to sell me a few bottles, give me a tour and send me on my way. I wandered a little farther along the coast before deciding to head back home to avoid the worst of the sun.

(Deserted beach on the way to Derek's place)

(Derek's place with the weird mossy grass)

I got moved out of my cabana and enjoyed my last few hours in paradise. We caught the afternoon panga back to big corn island (which was completely calm and non-traumatic in comparison to the ride on the way there) and very luckily made it off the waitlist and onto the afternoon flight to Managua.

(much less overcrowded boat setting out for a much less bumpy ride to Big Corn)

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