Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chapter 1 of Analisa’s Journey to Central America: Taking off and Landing

This trip has come together so quickly and seamlessly that a month and a half after making plans and booking tickets, I packed up, headed to the airport and boarded my evening flight with a nothing more than a feeling of mildly-frazzled detachment and a voice in my head politely asking what the heck I was getting myself into.

It wasn’t until I was settled into my seat on the plane nestled in between a prim business man and a fidgety young guy in an oversized baseball cap with the plane barreling down the runway for take off that I realized I would be stepping out of the airport in a strange and foreign land in time for lunch the next day; I was on vacation. When this revelation hit me, I was of course full of joy and excitement in anticipation of the amazing time I planned on having. I spent the two hour flight passive aggressively fighting for armrest time and reading the Cuban travelogue I was given for Christmas. I realized this is the first time in several months I had taken two hours just to read - it was nice.

My excitement grew as we descended over Los Angeles greeted by the view of scattered suburbs sparkling in the dark like an intricate twinkling circuit board. I couldn’t help but crack a smile at the thought of being on holiday. Soon cars were visible filtering through the winding network of roads and highways, I was amazed by the volume of traffic at 10 o’clock on a Sunday night. The plane landed, I got hustled onto a bus in a procession that felt something like a kindergarten field trip with a mother-hen type security guard leading the way. And now I am sitting in the departure lounge for American Airlines flight 276 which has been delayed by over an hour – and tragically there is no free wireless –for me to kill time on my fancy new netbook…maybe I should read the manual instead…next stop Miami.

1 comment:

  1. ahahh I already love you blog. I can see you saying all those things Ruga ! :)
